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The November 2021 release of DM v.2.1 concludes the current four-year phase of funded DM development. 

However, a DM v.3 is already being planned, with new grants and funding applications in the works. 

DM 3.0 will feature four new vital developmental goals, with backwards compatibility to current DM projects:

Exportability of data in more generic formats for long-term preservation & portability

Granularity: the architecture DM v.2 is already built for this: essentially, have every highlight & annotation assigned its own persistent URL, so digital sites and publications can cite and link directly to individual moments in a project - these links from external sites would then take a user right into a project and open up the relevant docs and locations.

Discoverability: have all content inside projects (if public facing) discoverable (and linkable, see above) through internet searches.

Accessibility: implement universal design strategies to allow DM projects to be accessible to the widest audience possible with regards to physical abilities/disabilities. 

Timeline: with a successful grant funding cycle in 2022 (by no means an assured thing), DM v.3 goals could begin to be implemented in 2023


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